Sunday, March 28, 2010

What does it mean to be good in math?

Math is something we go through from kindergarten, to end of high school and even life. However, we do not know what it is to become a good math student. To become really good in math, you need three things: Patience, perseverance and interrogation. These are the 3 main factors that I think would make someone into a good math solver.

Maybe many of you might have different opinions as I do. Why them? First, I thought patience was a vital factor because, solving math problem takes time. When solving a problem,DON'T RUSH! It's very common to make foolish mistakes trying to solve things as quick as possible. Take your time, nothing is going to get you. It doesn't hurt to be slow sometimes in your life.

Second, perseverance is the key. Most of us (including myself) always give up when questions seem so COMPLICATED. It's funny how when a question seems so hard, and when one of your math teacher solves it for you and you realize how easy it was. The problems just sound hard, we have to start thinking thinking THINKING! However, do not take too much time trying to solve one question in the test.

Third, INTERROGATE! Do not be afraid to ask lot of questions! I personally hated to ask questions. The reason was because it seemed like if I ask a question when no one is asking, it seemed like I was the only stupid one who didn't get it. So I end up not asking, go home and come back to school the next day and there it is, the TEST. Then I end up losing myself and go crazy for about half an hour and hand in my test, half of them all BLANK. Then I ask myself, "Why the heck didn't I ask?" This is for ALL OF YOU People's BENEFIT! Please don't act like you know EVERYTHING and end up screwing up yourself over. I will tell you once more, PLEASE ASK IF YOU DON'T KNOW! Who cares if people call you dumb for asking? You are learning for your own, who cares what other people say. As a matter of fact, Thomas Edison himself asked lot of questions although he was greatly despised by his teacher who thought all those questions seemed outrageously ridiculous.

I'm not saying you should become Thomas Edison or one of those genius kind of people. All I'm telling you is, as long as you try to practice 3 of these factors, I guarantee you, your grade average of your math would increase.

1 comment:

  1. Very good Joon,
    You are a clever child
    and i do agree with the patience and what you are saying...
    I may possibly give you candy tomorrow for doing such a good job =D
